Topic outline

  • Outline

    1. Short Description

    2. Main Purpose and Benefits 

    3. Main Functions 

    4. Integration with other Tools

    5. Operation Manual

    6. User Interface

    • Content

      1. Short Description

      ENGAGE CSIM Edition is a Security Information Management system developed by STWS to assist in the protection of Critical Infrastructure of the space-ground segments. It provides the operators with the functionalities that are required to manage effectively threats. ENGAGE CSIM offers the situational picture that displays data gathered from multiple components such as sensors, cameras, CCTV, UAVs etc. This information concerns all the events taking place in real time This is combined with the standard operating procedures and the response plans of the infrastructure, facilitating the effective management of the response activities. The software also enables the communication and the management of the first responders on the field, through the monitoring of their vital sensors, location and the assignment of the missions. Additionally, the system logs all attacks and response actions in every event. This log can be used for training and improvements in reaction scenarios.

      2. Main purpose and Benefits

      ENGAGE CSIM is a security incident management system that integrates different functionalities and services in a unified software environment. Τhis information management system -initially focused on the management of physical threats- in the context of the 7SHIELD project has been enhanced to handle both physical and cyber threats.  It is based on a modular architecture that offers the flexibility to adapt to any security environment and meet the related requirements. It is composed of several modules, each of them providing a different set of functionalities. The role of the component within the project is to provide the functionalities that are required by the Response & Mitigation phases of the crisis management process.

      ENGAGE CSIM offers one complete situational picture incorporating information from multiple sources, enabling the user to view and manage all events via a user-friendly UI. The latter also provides the capability to monitor CI status and FRs on the field and to communicate to the latter response actions provided by the customers for each scenario. Within the 7SHIELD project, the collection, visualization and management of the physical and cyber threats have been enabled. Additionally, capabilities useful to the operators, such as the support of the Emergency Response Plans, the communication with the FRs on the field and the integration with the service continuity service have been designed and implemented.

      3. Main Functions

      The functionalities are provided by the ENGAGE CSIM component to the users through an intuitive graphical user interface. The list of the main functionalities that are available to the users are:

      1. User management functionality. User management describes the ability for administrators to manage user access to various information, resources, functionalities etc.

      2. Alarm management functionality. Users are able to be informed about the list of the active alarms, as these have been detected by the various detection and correlation systems and organise their response activities/countermeasures.

      Mission management functionality. Users are able to coordinate the response activities and manage the FRs’ missions.

      4. Integration with other Tools 

      Users are able to be informed about the status of the infrastructure and the situation on the field through a number of dashboards and C2 components that are provided by the 7SHIELD framework. The information that is produced by the various (physical and cyber) detection tools, the results of the analysis tools as well as the results of the other analysis, classification and assessment tools are collected and presented to the users through the UI module, improving the situational awareness of the users. Additionally, the management of the response and mitigation activities is provided.

      Figure 41 – The 7SHIELD UI Module

      The ENGAGE CSIM component is part of the UI module, by supporting Response and Mitigation activities of the commanders. Thus, the ENGAGE CSIM has been designed as a high-performance system, capable of supporting the day-to-day security surveillance and management operations of public and private security agencies, organisations and critical infrastructures. The functionalities are provided by the ENGAGE CSIM component to the users through an intuitive graphical user interface. In order to provide its functionalities, a number of integrations are needed for enabling information sharing among ENGAGE CSIM and the rest of the 7SHIELD components.

      The purpose of these integrations is to provide the ENGAGE CSIM information useful to improve the situation awareness and the management of the situation by the commanders. In more detail:

      • The operational picture is based on the information collected by the SPGU and the Social awareness and message generation components.
      • The management of the FRs on the field and the triggering of the UAV countermeasures are based on the integrations with the FRSS and the UAV neutralization components
      • The management of the response activities and the impact of the threats on the infrastructure is based on the integration with the  Service Continuity component and the Emergency Response Plans.

      5. Operation Manual

      5.1 Set-up

      Based on a highly modular and reconfigurable S/W platform and a reliable, distributed Event Driven architecture, ENGAGE CSIM supports comprehensive security information management for infrastructures offering an unmatched combination of speed, reliability, and features adaptive to highly complex communication environments.

      5.2 Getting Started

      Each user has to be authenticated before using the ENGAGE CSIM functionalities. The authentication is based on a set of unique credentials (username/password) that each user has. Using the login form, users are requested to fill in their credentials in order to log in to the system. Upon their authentication, the system provides the user with information and a list of functionalities according to their responsibilities.

      6. User Interface

      The ENGAGE CSIM provides the related information to the users through one or more (in case of using multiple monitors) monitors. The layout of the monitors has been adjusted to users' needs and the requirements of each infrastructure/case. Thus, a number of UI elements such as views, widgets, menus, toolbars, 3D map, animated charts etc. are used in order to present the required information to the users.

      The main layout of the system is available in the following figure. Through this layout, users are able to be informed about the alarms, as have been produced by several detections, correlation and classification tools and to coordinate the management of the response activities.

      Figure 61    ENGAGE CSIM.

      • Acronyms

        C2                                       Command and Control

        CA                                      Consortium Agreement

        CI                                        Critical Infrastructure

        CIP                                     Critical Infrastructure Protection

        CSIM                                 Convergent Security Information Management

        C/P                                     Cyber/Physical

        EC                                       European Commission

        EU                                      European Union

        FR                                       First Responder

        SC                               Scientific Coordinator

        SGS                                    Satellite Ground Station

        SPGU                                Situational Picture Generation and Update

        TM                                      Technical Manager

        UI                                        User Interface