1. Short Description
Mini drones
are very small in size, but can create massive damage and cause havoc at
critical infrastructure, such as, EU Ground Segments of Space Systems. Generally, mini drones can cause damage by collecting intelligence
from places which are hidden to military platforms flying at high altitudes
such as satellites, large UAVs and planes.
Most of the
mini drones that cause threats to the infrastructures are Low Small Slow (LSS)
flying platforms. Neutralisation of such mini drones may involve methods that destroy the
intruding Mini Drone and methods which disable the ability of the Mini Drone to
perform their mission.
7SHIELD, neutralisation method used is green method in which the ontruding
drone is “caught” while in flight by another specialised drone, Flying Hunter.

Figure 1.1 Flying Hunter
2. Main Purpose and Benefits
The main purpose of this tool is to neutralise a drone in
the air space above critical infrastructures.
When the intruder drone is detected, Flying Hunter is
made to fly towards the intruding drone and made to “catch/arrest” the
intruding drone in its under-belly net and bnring it to a pre-designated
location on the ground and release it there.

3. Main Functions
function of this tool is to neutralise the intruding drone without damaging or
destrying it. This way forensic analysis of the intruder can be undertaken.
This method also ensures that
surrounding environment of population and ecology is not affected by this
action. This also included not polluting the RF environment.
4. Integrations with other Tools
Flying Hunter, per se, is not integrated
with 7SHIELD Platform. However, the FH controller can receive command to launch
the FH from the 7SHIELD Central Control Centre.
5. Infrastructure Requirements
deploy this FH, there is no special infrastructure requirement. For trials, an
intruding drone need to be arranged. FH will be operated by DFSL operator.
Internet connection will be needed for connecting the FH controller with
7SHIELD Platform.
6. Operation Manual
This section is not applicable for FH as the same will be operated
by DFSL operator.
7. Future updates
updates may include autonomous operation of upgraded FH.