Topic outline

  • Outline

    1. Short Description

    2. Main Purpose and Benefits 

    • Content

      1. Short Description

      The Data Model used to represent the Situational Picture is a structure designed to include all the information coming from all layers of the 7SHILED framework and store this information for further use. The Data Model to represent the situational picture, otherwise known as the Situation Information Model (SIM) is structured to store information related to the history of all the Situational Pictures changed over time for a specific SGS. Furthermore, for each SP, the entire list of events (with all the related properties) that have contributed to the creation of a specific SP are historicized.

      2. Main Purpose and Benefits 

      The Situation Information Model (SIM) is structured in 6 packages whose main package constitutes the reference models of the Situational Awareness. 

      In detail there are:

      • Mitigation
      • SGS Status
      • Situation Awareness
      • Events
      • Data Sources
      • Risk Assessment

      This structure allows you to associate a current Situational Picture for each SMS and all the history of the previous SPs associated with the same SMS.

      The SP part contains all overview data, status, dates and hazards.

      Hazards are alarms generated by specific events and are managed dynamically. It is allowed to change the mapping between event names and hazard names over time, and it is possible for an event to generate one or more hazards.

      The SP part contains all overview data, status, dates and hazards.

      Hazards are alarms generated by specific events and are managed dynamically. The mapping between event names and hazard names is allowed to change over time, and it is possible for an event to generate one or more hazards.

      The SGS Status package stores all the information of each asset that makes up the critical infrastructure and all its properties.

      The mitigation package and the risk assessment package, respectively, allow the data to which they refer to be persisted.

      Events and data sources make it possible to memorize each event generated for a situational picture including the data source (devices, sensors, etc.) and to keep track of them over time.

       With this structure it is possible to persist the information coming from all the tools in the 7Shield framework, be it a risk assessment or data review tool, or detector / correlator or any other type of tool in the architecture.

      Figure 41 – Situational Picture Data Model  

      • Acronyms

        CI                                        Critical Infrastructure

        CIP                                     Critical Infrastructure Protection

        C/P                                     Cyber/Physical

        CPTI                                  Cyber and Physical Threat Intelligence

        CPTMD                             Cyber Physical Threat Monitor Dashboard

        EC                                       European Commission

        EU                                      European Union

        SGS                                    Satellite Ground Station

        SIM                                    Situation Information Model

        SP                                       Situational Picture